Dating & Relationships

The Truth About a Woman’s Value and Her Marital Title

The Truth About a Woman’s Value and Her Marital Title

I know, I know, as you breeze through such a title about a woman’s value, you instantly think this blog is about putting married women on a pedestal and making single women look bad.  That is absolutely not the case! I want to talk about what a man sees in a woman to make her valuable to him as a potential wife.  Are you a woman who is single, divorced, young, or mature who is looking for love? If you’re searching for a long-lasting relationship that will blossom into a fulfilling marriage, You’ve come to the right place!

Let’s discuss some of the main attributes men value and want to see in the right woman they’d wife. That is if he is also looking for something long-term and not fleeting.

A Woman’s Value From a Man’s Perspective

Men and women value different things.  Women value a man’s ability to provide and protect, while men value a woman’s beauty, virtue, cooperativeness, and support, to name a few.  If you find a man serious about dating, he is looking for someone who fits the profile of being wife material. Remember, the Bible says He who FINDS a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. This means you have to BE a wife already.

How Dating As an Older Woman Is Typically Viewed By Some Men

Here’s the catch.  From a male’s perspective, if a woman has been on the market for a while and never married, this can reflect poorly on her.  Believe it or not, some men think something must be wrong if an older woman has never been married. A man would typically think, ‘Certainly, this woman would have been swiped up long ago if a man saw value in her.’ Not to mention how many potential intimate partners she may have had over time.  If a man values chastity as a virtue, the number of intimate partners would add to the equation of whether or not she is wife material.

Older Women Can Win in the Dating Market

Well, that doesn’t sound fair, now does it?  Of course not; women today are professionals, stay in school longer, and lead busy lives.  Life can be so hectic that sometimes, there’s no time to date.  That said, all hope is not lost if you are a single woman who is up in age. I am sure you may know women who have married later in life, so it is not impossible to make this your reality. Although the preceding information was hard to digest, knowing what to do with the information is essential.  

Increasing the Mature Woman’s Value to Increase the Chances of Success In Dating

Questions about your past will arise while dating or getting to know someone. You must know the purpose of such relationship questions and be prepared to answer them when they come up.

Knowing how to answer relationship history questions is crucial for unwed older women, given the skepticism they face.  If you were in school for some time, mention it!  But, understand that cooperation is important to a man, and higher educational attainment can sometimes translate to uncooperativeness for some men.  Utilize your feminine qualities as an opportunity to show, not tell, your value through your agreeableness.  Avoid the pitfalls of often challenging a man’s opinions or being argumentative.  Allow the man to take the lead to show that although you are well educated, you are submissive.

Avoid leaving gaps in dating history because this can be open to interpretation. Be truthful, but understand men value a woman’s virtue. When a sexually active single woman has no history of being in a committed relationship, men will assume the worst.

Increasing Success in Dating Goals for Younger Women

For younger women, the dating game is similar to older women, although easier because there is less explaining to do.  It is easy to understand why you are single because you are still young!  You are right where you need to be in this particular stage of your life.  But this does not minimize the fact that you still need to prove your worthiness as a potential wife. 

Your relationship history will still interest a potential partner, and any signs of promiscuity will sabotage your dating goals.  You also need to prove you have no past trauma from previous relationships or childhood.  And finally, you need to know what the man you want wants and be that!  Remember, if you are in the game to be the Mrs. to your Mr., understand a woman’s value from his perspective.

A Divorced Woman’s Value from a Man’s Perspective

If you are a divorced woman, the same rules apply as above. However, understanding a woman’s value from his perspective as a divorcee can have benefits and drawbacks. Dating as a divorced woman shows potential partners your wifely skills. It demonstrates you have previously required marriage as a dating outcome and understand the critical dynamics of a marriage.

On the other hand, if your marriage ended prematurely, it may raise questions about factors that led to its ending. Men would want to know who was at fault for the marriage ending quickly and why. Your wifely skills may not be considered in this case because you haven’t yet earned your stripes, so to speak.

If you had a long-standing marriage, questions about why and who ended it may still arise. And one important question will be asked: at what age did you marry? Again, back to the value men place on a woman’s chastity, men want to know how long a woman has been in these streets. So, your answers to these questions will determine your value to a man as a potential wife.

How Health And Beauty Increases a Woman’s Value in the Dating Market

We all know too well men value beauty. Beauty is a billion-dollar industry because we women know it’s what men are drawn to. But don’t forget the fitness aspect as well. Men desire women who are in shape and are leading healthier lifestyles. A woman’s value is increased when she prioritizes fitness because it is appealing and demonstrates longevity.

A Common Intrinsic Characteristic That Increases Women’s Value

Are you a supportive woman? Being supportive is what we do naturally as nurturers. We support infant development during the early stages of motherhood, so it’s in our DNA. If you are supportive, which I am sure you are, congratulations! You are one step closer to ranking high on being valued as a potential wife.

What Is The Truth About a Woman’s Value and Her Marital Title?

So, what is the truth about a woman’s value and marital title? The truth is that a man values a woman who is a wife, whether married or not. If you are wife material according to his standards, you are ranked higher in value to him. If not, you are just a fun time for him, unfortunately. Men who see you as a fun time will take advantage of you and waste your precious years.

Remember, you are already a wife if you are banging on all cylinders for what a man wants in a wife. If you want that official title of a wife, be what the man you want wants! Remember, he who finds a wife finds a good thing…

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